Thursday, October 29, 2009

i so love nasty!

that nasty res is writing about chix killing guys again...yum!

     hello dahlings. i'm sooo busy doing busy things, as you would expect a dangerous doll like moi to be.

     howevahhh, i do recommend highly the next chapter in my new friend, journalisto reston's blahhhg about a superbly nasty killer chic from way back when.
     res wasn't too happy about moi pulling his posties for our little get together here.
     normally i'd threaten to do deliciously awful things to the sweetheart if there was a problem. but, i appreciate his jourmalistic respect for...shall we say...women of the deadly arts. which is the theme of his oh so arty reporting.
     sooo, whilst i take care of business...if you know what i mean, and you need some killah lady action...shoot (pahdon the pun) on over to

     until i come back to you, dahls....

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